For UI, create ui folder in 3ds\ModMoon\\Slot_1.If you want only Ken, no alts, just take only c00/h00 and rename them to any of the slots.įrom 3ds\ModMoon\\Slot_1\model\fighter\ryu\body\c00, this mod will go over Ryu's 8th costume, 3ds\ModMoon\\Slot_1\model\fighter\ryu\body\c07.
Drag and drop body to 3ds\ModMoon\\Slot_1\model\fighter\ryu. Create a folder called ryu in 3ds\ModMoon\\Slot_1\model\fighter. Create a folder called fighter in 3ds\ModMoon\\Slot_1\model. Create a folder called model in 3ds\ModMoon\\Slot_1. Drag and drop both model and ui to 3ds\ModMoon\\Slot_1. Open saltysd, smash folder (from the ZIP). Installing Mods:I'll use this Goku mod as an example: Drag and drop your code.ips and rename it to the prefered version. Create codes folder on 3ds/ModMoon// (Example: 3ds\ModMoon\00040000000EDF00\Slot_1\codes). Get what code.ips based of your game's region (If your game is US, digital, go to US and digital folder). Create smash folder on saltysd ( SD Card:\\saltysd\smash). Select Smash 3DS in ModMoon and Launch. Go to Luma Configuration (part of the installing CFW process) and enable Game Patching. Mod your 3DS (you know where, Google search it). In short, you don't want an explanation, you want an example. I will also have to use ModMoon because people are too dense and stubborn to install mods without one. MARIO SUPER SMASH BROS DOWNLOAD CODE HOW TO
This is straight to the point and I will also list some mods on how to install it, even though there are instructions in the README.txt. There's no "too detail" stuff in this tutorial. Here's a simplified and shorter version of the tutorial. Even video tutorials are a headache as well. So it seems that my tutorial is a head scratcher to newcomers because they don't understand a single thing.